Finite Element Analysis
CVM Tech has been providing advanced FEA simulation services for different industry segments. We do linear and non-linear analysis. For pressure vessel we do limit load and multi near analysis. Strain hardening and acceptable strength is evaluated as per ASME and EN standards. We do flow induced vibration analysis, through couple field we extract dominant frequencies and loads [FFT]. Harmonic analysis predicts stress and vibration amplitudes. Fatigue evaluations are judged based on induced vibration amplitudes. We do aerodynamic analysis of automobile vehicles, propose shape for minimum fuel consumption. In turbo machinery flow pulsations and rotational imbalances induce vibrations, which shall be kept within acceptable limit through FEA. Coupled FEA study for sloshing tanks ensured design integrity of vessel under severe operating scenarios. Fatigue and creep analysis mainly govern design for high temperature applications. Domain experts work on specific projects.
Why FEA?
FEA tools shall handle complex shapes and large sized geometry due to advancement in Computer hardware. Using sub modelling, one can investigate local stresses and deformations for already run simulation with coarse mesh. Nonlinear analysis gave scope to optimize design beyond yield strength, where local secondary stresses lead to strength gain due to strain hardening. Fatigue strength evaluation as per ASME ensure protection against cyclic loads. Buckling check for compressive loads is now easier for complex shapes like lattice girder. Design integrity validation is an iterative process and needs to comply all the criteria governed by code or standard.
We provide the following structural analysis:
- Static strength and deformation
- Modal Analysis
- Harmonic analysis
- Fatigue analysis
- Buckling analysis
- Thermal Analysis
- Seismic analysis
- Lifting Analysis
Executed Projects:
We have executed below projects for our customers in oil & gas and process industry.
Mechanical Integrity Check for Static mixers Housing as per ASME Div2 Section VIII part5
Static mixers are used for mixing of two fluids in process plants. Mixer housing needs to comply ASME code. Hence FEA to be done as per pressure vessel code. We execute design by analysis guidelines [ASME Section VIII div2, Part 5] to confirm integrity. Bilinear material properties are used. Limit load evaluation done as conservative approach.

Mechanical Integrity Check for Pumps Baseplate as per API 610.
Pumps are rotating equipment’s, comprising high pressure casing. Evaluation partially comply ASME pressure vessel code. In Power sector now a days thermal power plants are trying to operate at high pressure ratios. To increase efficiency of Rankine cycle, Pinch technology is implemented. Pressure injection pumps in oil extraction and boiler feed pumps shall be categorized under high pressure vessels. Hence it is required to do FEA according to design by analysis method. Casings have complex shape, nozzles to be designed to comply 2 or 4 times of API nozzle loads. Hence customers frequently ask for shaft stiffness check for mechanical integrity of casings and base plates. Vibrations analysis of vertical pumps need FEA analysis as vertical shafts experience lateral vibrations. Harmonic analysis of pumps indicates acceptance of vibration limits set on bearing locations.
Vibrations analysis of vertical pumps need FEA analysis as vertical shafts experience lateral vibrations. Harmonic analysis of pumps indicate acceptance of vibration limits set on bearing locations.